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Men's Herbal 250g

Men's Herbal 250g

Regular price Rs.2,750.00
Regular price Rs.3,000.00 Sale price Rs.2,750.00
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This unique blend of ingredients has been carefully crafted to provide a rejuvenating experience. Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub that grows in India, the Middle East, and parts of Africa. Its roots and orange-red fruit have been used for hundreds of years for medicinal purposes. The Aphrodisiac Herb, known for its ability to enhance Desire and stimulate arousal, has been combined with Golden Eye-Grass and Ashwagandha Roots to create a powerful blend that promotes overall wellness and vitality. The addition of Rock Sugar provides a natural sweetness that complements the earthy flavors of the herbs and roots, while Water Chestnuts add a satisfying crunch and texture to each sip. Our Aphrodisiac Herb-infused Golden Eye-Grass and Ashwagandha Roots Beverage Mix with Rock Sugar and Water Chestnuts is perfect for those looking for a natural way to support their wellness.


  • Pour a glass of milk into a clay pot.
  •  Add one spoon of Men's Herbal powder as well as two green cardamom pods and half teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon, clove, fennel seeds to the milk.
  •  Heat the milk with the spices until it reduces to half a glass.
  •  Stir in a spoonful of honey or jaggery and let the mixture cool.
  •  Consume the prepared milk one hour after meals. 
  • Repeat this process three times a day: in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

ایک گلاس دودھ کو مٹی کے برتن میں ڈالیں۔ اس میں ایک چمچ مردانہ جڑی بوٹی کا پاؤڈر اور دو سبز الائچی کے پوست شامل کریں، اور اس کے ساتھ آدھا چائے کا چمچ ہلدی، دار چینی، لونگ، اور سونف شامل کریں۔اسپائسز کے ساتھ دودھ کو گرم کریں جب تک کہ وہ آدھا گلاس رہ جائے۔ایک چمچ شہد یا گڑ ڈال کر.مکس کریں اور مکسچر کو ٹھنڈا ہونے دیں۔تیار کیے گئے دودھ کو کھانے کے ایک گھنٹے بعد استعمال کریں۔اس عمل کو دن میں تین مرتبہ دہرائیں: صبح، دوپہر، اور شام میں۔

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